Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mission Call!

It came!! I received my mission call 17 March 2010. My sister, Sarah June and I climbed up Y-Mountain in Provo, past the Y, until we found a quiet, peaceful place to open my call. I have been called to serve in the Germany Munich/Austria Mission!
I am VERY excited to serve and look forward to learning more about the language, the culture and the people. I have so much to do to prepare and since I enter the MTC 02 June 2010, there's not a lot of time to do it. I hope this blog can be kept up with updates from my mission. I AM GOING TO GERMANY AND AUSTRIA!!

After coming down the mountain and calling one or two of my siblings on the steep climb down (with snow), I had a "dramatic re-opening" party so I could celebrate where I would be serving with all my friends. A lot of people came and Sarah June made LOTS of delicious cookies for the party, even though she doesn't eat sugar. We had so much fun!

P.S.--Yes, the title of this blog did come from the movie Errand of Angels. But isn't it just so appropriate?