Monday, February 28, 2011

It's raining Investigators, Halelujah!

Liebe Familie,

This week was amazing! First, we went to Neuschwanstein Schloss in the area of Füßen, Deutschland (that means feet, tee hee). We (Elders Yanez, Rees, Elder and Sister Liggett and Sister Quist and I) hiked up the mountain in the snow (no, I haven’t bought new boots yet, but my feet thawed later without problems). It actually wasn’t that cold and the hike warmed us up a bit. The castle was really hard to see and all the paths were closed because it was snowing, but it was BEAUTIFUL. We had bought a tour inside the castle and we learned about King Ludwig and his desire to go back to Medieval days. He spent a lot of money on the castle and never lived in it. The inside was cool, but really busily decorated and we only saw a couple rooms since the inside was never finished.

This week was full of surprise new investigators! The first we had planned on—Lena we found dooring about a month ago and finally met. She had heard stuff about Mormons before and wanted to know what it was all about. The next day, we met with Diana, a referral from other missionaries. She was not home when we got there—she was at her mothers, but said we could come there. So we did and met with her and her two sisters—Maria and Ileana. We only brought one Romanian copy of the Book of Mormon since we weren’t planning on more, but we introduced the Book and the Church and promised to bring more books the next time. All were very interested (all young mothers or about to be young mothers). We met with Herr Yari twice, but did not see Namina this week. He is loving the Book of Mormon and still planning on getting baptized on 26 März 2011. Our second visit with him, he had a friend, Anna, from Moldovia and spoke Russian (Herr Yari also speaks Russian, surprise!). She was very interested in applying the gospel to her family and wants to have a Book of Mormon in Russian, so we made out another appointment and Herr Yari invited her to church and told her he knows the Book of Mormon is true. Awesome! So after Herr Yari (the next day), we went to Diana in her home and her friend was there. We had brought the Restoration DVD (it doesn’t have Romanian, but she also speaks Italian—she feels her German is rough), but their DVD player did not have a remote and so we could not choose the language! Argh! Diana’s friend only spoke Romanian (maybe Italian, too), so we read together in the Book of Mormon and gave her one in Romanian. She wanted to be in our next appointment. Then we went straight to Maria and Ileana. Their father was there and Maria’s boyfriend. Both were very interested, especially the father, and he prayed at the end of the lesson and cried. Sadly, I don’t know what he said because it was in Romanian, but the whole family thanked us profusely for coming.

Sadly … THIS IS MY LAST WEEK IN MÜNCHEN! L I am going to Pforzheim (I know, where is THAT?) on Wednesday and will work with Sister Olsen. Sister Olsen is my identical twin (everyone tells me we look exactly the same and I have seen pictures). I have met her once, but I feel I already know her because she has been Sister Hansen’s and Sister Quist’s companion separately and she was ALSO companions with Sister Anderson (one of my MTC companions, who is currently working with Sister Hansen in the Office). It’s all very complicated. Sister Olsen was first companions with Sister Quist in Ulm (Deutschland), then Sister Anderson, then Sister Hansen (München in the Office), then she worked with Sister McGuire (my other MTC companion) in Haag (Österreich). She is an English major at BYU. Sister Quist will be working with Sister Solomon, the one Dad said Brother Hill (home teacher) knows. She entered in the MTC 6 weeks after me, so I got to know her a little there. I am SO sad to leave München and a little nervous about white-washing another area (Pforzheim is a branch on the very edge of the mission north-west of Stuttgart). I am excited to WORK WORK WORK!

Sister Carla June Carroll

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