Sunday, April 10, 2011

herrlicher Tag!

Liebe Familie,
This week was WONDERFUL! Conference is always the best and we had EIGHT people attend. We also set two baptismal dates this week with new people. We met Frankie last week on the street (at night in the dark) and made out an appointment. He is very interested with what we have to say and willing to search to know if it is true. We set a goal with him for him to know before and be baptized on 30. April 2011. Faith was found durch Bahnkontaktieren. She and her husband go to an international church in Vienna, but are very confused and frustrated that their questions of the soul are not answered. She told us that they often return from church so confused that they don't want to go anymore, but she knows that it is important to go to church. She is very interested to know if the church has truly been restored. She understood the apostacy well. We set a date with her for 07. Mai 2011. We also attended a New Beginnings for the young women in our ward. It was inspirational. I had forgotten how important the youth are! My realization was confirmed in Conference that Bishops should be delegating more so they can spend more time with the youth. Do you pray for the youth in your ward?
This week I went on a split with Angela Hambruck from Wiener Neustadt. She has been waiting for 4 weeks already for her mission call and is excited to go. We had too many appointments to handle (thus the split) and once I left my companion Sister McGuire to go, all of our appointments fell through. Naturally, it started to rain as well. What did we do? Angela and I contacted many MANY wonderful people on the street and made out appointments with 3 or 4 of them. What a wonderful miracle it is that the Lord truly leads us to those who are ready to hear the gospel.
I forgot my camera cord this week but will send pictures of the New Beginnings and the Split. We are going to the Zoo today as it is Spring and absolutely HERRLICH (glorious) outside. General Conference was many answers to many of my questions and prayers. I am SO excited for another Temple to be built in Colorado! Every talk was filled with the Spirit and each investigator that came really felt it. I am so grateful for our leaders of the church. They truly do so much for us. So many people criticized us last week for talking about God with people instead of helping at a charity or something, but they don't realize that we do that! Oh, the Welfare program is so inspired. Service is an eternal principle. I am so grateful for parents who taught me the value of hard work and more importantly of what it looks like to serve others. I know this gospel is God's word. The Restoration of it has come to pass and the Lord is working miracles every day. Each of us are truly responsibile for our part and we are able to always ask for divine help to meet those responsibilities. Faith truly starts with a desire and even though sometimes we may need to even pray for that desire to come, it will and if we nurish it, it will bloom just as the beautiful spring of Vienna. I love the Lord. I love all of you. Thank you for your sacrifices for those whom you love.
Sister Carla June Carroll

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