Monday, July 11, 2011

Ich gehe weg!

Liebe Familie,

SURPRISE!!! Got a call from the Assistants ... I am going as far away from Wien as possible on Wednesday. I am going to the area that I was earlier called to--Pforzheim! But this time I am going to serve with my other MTC Companion, Sister Anderson! I cannot begin to describe how excited I am about that. I have served in 5 wards in Germany and Austria, but Pforzheim is a branch with about 30 active members (I think, I will count when I get there). When I was in München, President called to have Sister Olsen and I open up Pforzheim, but a few last minute changes took place and Sister Anderson went to Pforzheim and I went to Vienna. Now, I will be joining her there. Sister Olsen (now serving in Vienna 2nd ward with Sister Covey and living with us) showed me pictures from when she was there. Looks beautiful.

I was initially very sad about the call. I was really expecting to stay and I have grown to love this ward and our investigators so so much. If I ever can live abroad, I will come back here. I have spent 9 months all together in Vienna and I have seen much. I have not done much of my own accord, but through the help of the Lord, I have been privileged to see miracles occur. Ivana was not baptized this Saturday since she got stuck in Serbia, but this coming Saturday (yes, just after I leave), she will be baptized. Hopefully I will at least get pictures of the baptism.

I cannot remember if I mentioned Parviz (30) before. I talked to him about 2 weeks ago an the Bahn and really expected him to be German, but he is from Iran and speaks no German! He is the most prepared person I have ever met. He came to church for the first time yesterday and LOVED it. He is a composer and just a very gentle man. He lives with Mani (18) and Shayan (29) also musicians and interested in the gospel. They are truly a group of miracles. Ekarin and Binbin are working towards the temple and Brown is working to receive the Priesthood. There is so much joy in this work.

I also was privileged to attend the setting apart of Angela Hambruck from Wiener Neustadt. I went on a few splits with her and one time when all of our appointments fell through, I taught her street contacting ... in the pouring rain. Not going to lie, it was a wonderful experience. It seemed like a small thing to me, but it really put a bond between us and she leaves today to attend the Provo, MTC to learn Greek to serve in Greece. Whoa. She will change the world. She is already an excellent missionary.

I took pictures with several members and investigators at church yesterday. I am so sad to go, but I have the wonderful reassurance that the Lord has a plan for me. He knows how to do His work.

Sister Carla June Carroll

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