Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 25

Dear family,

This week was epic. First, excerpt from letter to President Condie "This week was great with a beautiful capstone of Christine Bräuer's baptism. We visited Alex in the Hospital again, but he was not really aware of his surroundings at the time, but it really helped Sabrina to know that we went. We reviewed prayer, scripture study and started a review of the Plan of Salvation as well. As you know, her Baptismal Interview was also this week. In our last appointment with her (we had contact every day this week), she had a couple friends over, so a lot of our conversation turned to the Restoration. It was fantastic. Sr. Urban came to Generalkonferenz last week and asked to be baptized, so we met with her! She was a member of the church several years ago, but had her name removed from the records. She remembers everything and is already reading and praying every day. We met with her twice this week and will meet 3 times each week for four weeks (sound familiar?). We have been coordinating with our GML as to if she needs to be baptized or not. She is completely ready for either. It was fantastic to have someone show up to church and ask to be baptized, though! We met with the Vargas and taught das Wort der Weisheit. Frau Varga already does not drink tea or alcohol, but she does drink coffee. We challenged her to give it up for a week and test the Lord. We were really surprised when she was really excited about it. We hope to set a baptismal date this week. Frau Bräuer's baptism was so full of the Spirit. I don't remember what I said in my talk on Baptism, but I hope it was led by the Spirit and Sister Downs sang beautifully making all the women there cry. After the ordinance, Br. Zornig asked if she felt a warm feeling and said "Nicht warm, aber befreit!". [translation = not warm, but liberated!] Everything possible fell through right before the baptism (our Organist skipped out, the closing prayer was gone and the Baptizer was sick and injured), but the Lord provided a way! It was a miraculous baptism."

Oh, man. I cannot even described how stressful church was for a few moments until we found someone to baptize, someone who could play the organ (there is only an organ in the Baptismal room) and every other little part including someone to lead the music. I had prepared a talk on Baptism, but I honestly don't remember what came out, but I am pretty sure it was in German. The Spirit was so strong. She got baptized!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight we are going to see Brahms and Beethoven performed by the Wiener Symphonie. Did I mention I am going to see Brahms and Beethoven performed in VIENNA? I am so excited. So much to do and no time to do it! Yikes!

We started an hour a day of contacting (usually dooring). In Vienna, you never need to find PEOPLE, but we decided to give ourselves a little more structure. With this, we have had a lot more ... interesting experiences and let's just say we have gotten better about getting to the point and moving on if people are not interested and setting up an appointment when they are. The Lord truly will lead us to those who are ready to recieve the message of the Restoration. Oh, and by the way, Sr. Urban will be baptized on 20 November 2010. Yes!

Sister Carla June Carroll

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