Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sister TAYSOM! August 22

Liebe Familie,

This week has just been wonderful. Sister Anderson and I have been trying to get investigators to attend the ward's family home evening on Monday nights and Natascha, her husband and 2-year-old came! They had a great time and felt the Spirit. We hiked the mountain from Bad Liebenzell to Monakam to get the Edina's and had a great lesson then ran back to get to "Little Texas"--an American resturaunt in Pforzheim. We had a great time with the Rudloffs, Kämmerlings, Br. Armbruster and Eve came, too! The food was a little different than what I would call American food, but good and large portions. We rushed off the Matthäus and Senada and taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. We invited them to be baptized on 17. September 2011 and they accepted! We went home, went to bed and got up at 4:30 am to get to München in time so I could attend a training meeting.

The training meeting was great! President Miles had us stand and introduce our area and talk about one investigator we are teaching then he told us which one we will train! I went last, so I knew which one was mine--Sister Taysom! She is from Rockland, ID (tiny dorf in the area of Pokatello) and did not have any German before her mission. She studied Civil Engineering at BYU and loves volleyball. She is just a bundle of sunshine and a joy to be around and a blessing to all around her. She will work wonders on her mission. They started a new program at the MTC called the Pilot Program where the teachers only speak German with the students from day 1 and the teach in German day 3. I think that helped the shock of the field a LOT. She is just ready to go and excited to learn more and more.

We met with a family called Familie Jung. Their daughter/sister became a member in the last 10 years and served a mission in Hungary. They love missionaries and had not had any contact from the church in the last 4 years (found their name in an area book and called them up). They called their daughter while we were there and I talked with her on the phone. She is really nice and we are excited to keep meeting with the family.

Above all we are excited for Matthäus and Senada. We started the stop smoking program with him on Saturday and so far so good!! They are excited to prepare for their baptism. I just love being a missionary in Pforheim. I know that this gospel is truly available to all and will help every person's life if they will accept it in their life.

Sister Carla June Carroll

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