Sunday, August 28, 2011

Versetzungen!! August 15

Liebe Familie,

This week was pretty crazy, but wonderful! We did another exchange with the Missionaries in Ulm. Sister Dietz came to me and Sister Anderson joined Sister McBride in Ulm. Sister Dietz has been in Ulm for a long time and has not even left the city for 5 months. (exept a quick visit to Stuttgart for a training meeting). She thoroughly enjoyed the different scenery. We called a lot of former investigators and reached a couple of people still interested in meeting with missionaries. I am exicted to see what happens of that this week in our appointments with them.

We are so excited for Matthäus and Senada, who have been progressing for 2 weeks now. They have not been able to come to church yet, but we are hoping to help them with that this week. Matthäus especially just loves talking about the gospel and learning. He had never prayed before our first appointment (where he prayed at the end) and yesterday said before saying the closing prayer that he is going to be a Pro at praying. :) Exactly. Their baby chimed in this week when we taught the Plan of Salvation. It was a really spiritual lesson. Each time we talked about the Premortal Life, Even (5 mo. old) would respond as if he was saying, "I was just there! Accept it mom and dad, accept it!" I love this family so so much.

We also taught Natascha. I had a really great experience with one lesson with her in that we just listened when we followed up at the beginning. She had prayed to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet and got no answer. That allowed us to ask more questions and clarify some important points like what "heilige Handlungen" means (in english it is holy ordinances but it german it kind of means holy workings or dealings and could sound like magic ... abstractness). She better understood what a prophet was and prayed at the end which she had never done before. She is going to join our Branch Family Home Evening group tonight--we are excited.

Friday morning as we were praying for companionship study, the phone rang and we knew who it would be. It was President Miles. Sister Anderson is leaving me to go to München to work in one of my former (and beloved) areas--München I. I am really excited for her and really sad to see her go. Our time together was too short. I really love her. I will be training a new missionary and have no information of who she is yet--I think that will be decided on Wednesday. I will go to München to train a little with my new companion there and then go back to Pforzheim.

Oh! On Saturday we had another Ausstellung (see picture--which is one that was in Pforzheim) in Heilbronn. The Police came after an hour and told us someone had reported us for agression (yikes!) so he said we could not stand in people's way for our Ausstellung. We all prayed and still had several people stop and ask us about the display. I also got to see acres and acres of vineyards. It was great to see immediately after reading Jakob 5.

OH OH! Do you remember Parviz who I talked to on the Bahn in Wien and committed to be baptized? He got baptized on Saturday! Miracles!

Sister Carla June Carroll

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